Saturday, 30 October 2010

Day 58 - All I Want Is You

Grrr... so I thought I posted on Thursday, apparently forgot and then definitely forgot yesterday due to new game syndrome so I'm going to try my best to do three blogs today. Not that anyone seemed to notice me disappearing! Onto business then,

Today's readings

Leviticus 1:1-3:17
Mark 9:33-10:12
Psalm 27:1-6

 So starting today we have Leviticus. My handy little intro book to each Bible book tells me that the book is all about learning how we come to God. Let's try and remember that as a central theme as we go through it. It's also interesting to think that we've been talking alot so far about spending time with God; now it appears we'll be getting a little bit of insight as to how to do that.

So we start in Leviticus with a bit of an odd passage about sacrificing laws and how to tear a bird to bits correctly. Fun stuff for the vegetarians no doubt. So should we go slitting throats? Not really. The Jews sacrificed for one very important reason. Not because God demanded that they give Him stuff, certainly nowhere has God said they HAVE to do this. Only that if they are going to do it, here's how. The reason the Israelites sacrificed what was important to them was to get closer to God in that sacrifice. If you don't have something you're dependent on or relish particularly then you're more open to God's will instead of your own. I like how they describe the smells. It seems like the smell of the fat and the offal burning would be really nice and emphasise more the sacrifice that the person was making. I also think it's interesting what it says at the end of chapter 3 about the fat belonging to God. Now that isn't some call of ownership to myself and other portly souls. It's a signifier that the if we're going to give up something to God so that we get closer to Him, there's no point holding some of it back. If you want to give more time then don't just give the time when you're bored. If you want to sacrifice tv or the internet to spend more time praying or reading your Bible then don't just give the programmes you aren't as bothered about.

Into the New Testament with a flourish and we have Jesus' disciples missing the point for a change. They're asking about who is the best and totally ignoring the fact that it's not about who spends the most time listening to Jesus but who goes out there and does stuff for Him. Jesus tells us how to get closer to Him. Go and serve. Be kind and caring like He is to the child. Protect and love those who need it. He then talks about divorce and I genuinely don't think Jesus is saying divorce is wrong. What He says is that you shouldn't divorce because you fancy someone else and I'd be pretty much in agreement with that. No one will ever be 100% perfect for you but if you've made a commitment to them in front of God then you need to see it through and pray through the tough patches. What Jesus says is that no one should split a marriage up and I think that means outside influences more than internal strife. Now if there's domestic abuse, neglect of trust or that sort of thing... then I would think that it's ok. Jesus is pretty clear about divorce not just being an excuse to sleep around.

Finally our Psalm today starts with praise at how brilliant it is to be with God and have God with you. Today's readings seems geared towards actually appreciating why we should seek out God first and how we should go about it. Serve God by helping others and give up to God things the time and emotions that mean the most to you.

And that's your lot for this blog. I'll bash two more out today if you're keeping score though I know not many are. Wednesday's song is here. Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always,


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