Thursday, 14 October 2010

Day 43 - My Sacrifice

Right. I messed up and forgot to post yesterday. Apologies to all. I'll be putting two up today and making sure I'm a lot less tardy! In short news though, I went to see Back to the Future last night and loved it on the big screen :) Onto business then,

Today's readings

Exodus 11:1-12:51
Matthew 27:11-44
Psalm 21:1-7

 So we're with Moses during the preperation for the final plague and it's easily going to be the worst. I can't imagine how must it must break God's heart to have to let people die to show others the truth. I still believe though that our just God will have given all of those people a chance to respond and be saved. It's interesting how many rules and parts are put in place to the ritual of Passover. I think sometimes God seems to make people jump through the strangest hoops but all of the things done were for a reason. The food was to give them strength for the start of their journey, then the bread because they didn't have time to hang around for it. The exclusivity of it because God knew that the Israelites would need to keep their identity as a nation and not be diluted by people not willing to follow Him. God's plans are often strange and seem to take the wrong route or the longest route but if we trust them and do our part then things will start to happen.

Into the New Testament we sprint and Jesus is in the last hours of His time on earth. Pilate's actions to me show that we all have a responsibility for what happened to Jesus. He washes his hands to try and save himself the blame but God had tried to warn him through his wife's dream and he knew that something was wrong about letting Jesus be executed. But he prefered to try and pass the blame. God puts us in positions of responsibility a lot of the time and anytime we have any degree of control or influence over someone else then we need to think all the more how we can be more Christ like in our actions. Jesus knew the influence and responsibility He had and He showed just how to mentor, rebuke, lead and ultimately sacrifice for people that trust you or look up to you.

I also think that sometimes we forget the torture and pain that Jesus went through. I remember as a teenager I believed in Jesus' salvation but just couldn't emotionally connect with the crucifixion till someone pointed out just how much torment Jesus went through and how the whole reason He had to was because of my wrong choices. And because he loves me. It's never a bad idea to meditate for a bit on just how much Jesus loves you. How fantastic we are to Him!

Finally we start a new Psalm and David is praising God for all the gifts and blessings He places on the king. But I think that there's another message here about Jesus. Jesus is our king and look at the parallels with him being dressed in bright colours and filling his arms with gifts instead of a cross. To me this is letting us know that God never forgets or leaves us and will have blessings and peace waiting for us after the torment. Hallelujiah!

I can't see much of a connection today beyond the continual reassurance that God's plans might be complicated and involve heartache because of other people's choices but that ultimately we have paradise to come!

And that's your lot. Short and sweet because we'll have another one today and there's 3 more chances to talk specifically about the crucifixion. Yesterday's tune is here. Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always


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