Saturday, 23 October 2010

Day 53 - Pray

Hey gang. Going to get this done now before I forget. Plus I'm thinking God at the start/middle of the day is better than right at the end. Onto business then,

Today's readings

Exodus 31:1-33:6
Mark 6:30-56
Psalm 25:1-7

So we start with God finishing his instructions to Moses and the reason I wanted to talk about this is how God gives this huge list of demands to Moses but then points out that even though it seems intimidating, God has already provided all the people that Moses will need. I like that sometimes God seems to work backwards but I think what happens next shows that if people get given the workers and the skills before we hear the message or the calling then things can go wrong. Get your purpose from God before you apply yourself for Him.

What follows is one of my most challenging passages. First of all you've got the Israelites who never seem to stop doubting God working for them and so look to something physical that they can worship. How often do we fall in this trap of wanting God to give us something concrete and obvious to help us believe. Faith doesn't require proof or miracles to sustain it. Focusing on God will give us the blessings and peace to keep going.

But what really makes me struggle with this passage is how Moses changes God's mind. I think it's fascinating to think that we could plead our case to God and He would change His mind. Now obviously He will change His mind on one thing at least, when He lets us into heaven thanks to Jesus' sacrifice. But on other things? Can we make God change His mind? Does this make us know more than God? Tricky stuff... I think that when we are created in the image of God we retain a small aspect of that divine nature in us and so God's true nature is made up of all our reflections. Like a pane of glass shattered into billions of pieces. So maybe that means when we pray change can happen in God's heart because the prayer comes from the bit of God in us rather than our own desires or concerns. So prayer is a vital part of our lives. Something which can really make a difference in our and in other people's lives.

Into the New Testament we grind and we're back into two familiar miracles. But I think these fit with what we've just thought about. Jesus prays to bless the food and changes lives with His prayer. People are fed miraculously because of prayer. Then we have the stilling of the storm and Jesus walking on water and here again it is the power of Jesus intervening and saving lives. We need to be praying but we need to make sure our prayers are of God and wanting change to happen for the right reasons.

Finally we start a new Psalm and David is asking here for forgiveness. Again, his prayer is asking for mercy and a change in God's heart. If we're genuine with God and follow His will then we will see His wisdom and desires all the more clearly. I'd also encourage you to read these Psalms and highlight away. There's a lot of similar stuff here but the verses are well worth coming back to!

And that's your lot. Short and sweet again. Yesterday's song is here. Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always,


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