Saturday, 2 October 2010

Day 32 - Spread Your Love

Hey sports fans. Sorry I'm late but at least you were forewarned and tomorrow's is going up nice and early I promise. Been to the Trafford Centre tonight to originally watch Back to the Future until Harper convinced us that we should watch something, in his words, a bit different and more serious. So we went to watch Buried which I thought was really good. Not brilliant but a film with more suspense and tension than most so called horrors. I'd heartily recommend it to anyone old enough to watch. Oh and John hated it so maybe we SHOULD have gone to see Back to the Future. Onto business then

Today’s readings

Job 22:1-24:25
Matthew 21:18-32
Proverbs 3:21-35

Wow ok. I've just watched the first minute of the Soul Survivor vlog and even Mike's running out of things to say about Job. Keeping it brief then. The main thing I got from Job today is how his friend, Eliphaz (not Elephant) thinks God doesn't notice when people do good. Now Job corrects him here by saying how those who do bad are hiding in the dark and God being light will shine on them and find them. God obviously relishes in our good deeds and loves when we further His kingdom and His will. Job's friends seem like they want to serve a God who punishes the evil and ignores everyone else. That's not my God...

Into the New Testament we spin (told you it would be brief!) and Jesus hits us with a miracle, a confrontation and a parable in short succession. Now the miracle is interesting to me and some see it as a challenge or a problem. Why would Jesus use His power like this? It seems as though it is anger lashing out of Him. I'd be interested to know your thoughts. COMMENT!!! Personally I think that Jesus here is not just showing His authority over all things but also using the tree as an example. I think sometimes we're guilty of being like that tree. We're healthy and look inviting but there's never going to be any fruit from us. When you think about the advantages we have being born in the country we are. The fact you're reading this probably puts you as better off than at least half the population of the world. But we still worry about the bad things happening to us. What I'd ask is if we let those tough things get in the way of serving God and being fruitful for Him? Jesus sees us as inviting people that He wants to work with but do we let Him or are we all show and no commitment? The alternative is clear, if you're not helping spread the love of God in the world then you might as well not be a part of it.

Next Jesus is challenged by the religious leaders on how He can say and do the things He does. They question His authority and where it comes from. Now some would say that Jesus swerves this question but I think He answers it by illustrating what we talked about previously. That true knowledge comes from God. Jesus' question about John has one answer, God ordained John to do that work. And yet the priests are too scared to admit it and too wrapped up in their own politics and position, not focusing on God, that they can't see the truth.

Finally Jesus tells us of the two sons. One has a rubbish attitude but does what he's asked and one is a nice enough person but never achieves anything. This is directed to these same priests who say the right things and seem to have the right positions but do they actually do the right things for God? They're letting people misuse the Temple, they're ignoring the answered prophecies because it might shake their own position, they're concerning themselves more with one loud mouthed Nazarene than all the people who He is helping! So do focus on Christ, do take things from the Bible: but act on it! Find what you can do to make a difference for God in this world!

Finally into Proverbs and there are three messages here. Firstly don't panic. If it's good enough for the Hitchiker's Guide, then it's good enough advice for us. The worst that could ever happen is that you get to Heaven quicker. Secondly, always help people if and when you can. If you have to make an excuse not to do something to help someone in need then it's not a good enough excuse! Finally, don't look for fights and confrontations. This isn't just talking about people having punch ups but arguments too. If someone tries to start an argument, pray for the wisdom to diffuse it or just walk away. It's not worth proving your dominance for the sake of your own pride.

I think today's readings are talking about helping people mainly. Nobody is perfect in this world and even the rich and powerful could do with a little more love and a little more God in their lives. As Christians it's our responsibility to open our eyes and do something. Jesus said earlier in Matthew's gospel to start small and local so look for things you can support or get involved with. Pray that God will show you areas where you can show Christian love to people. Challenge yourself to be a little Jesus.

And that's your lot. Yesterday's song is here or also here if you're older. Tomorrow will be going up around lunchtime definitely. Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always


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