Monday, 4 October 2010

Day 34 - The Question Is What Is The Question

Oh Monday, why must you always come and ruin a weekend? Well I hope you all survived. I've been sending cvs off left, right and centre today so pray that one of them gets me an interview folks! Onto business then,

Today’s readings
Job 30:1-32:22
Matthew 22:15-46
Psalm 18:16-24

Ok. Job is still banging on and it is getting hard but we've only 12 chapters to go so perservere folks! One thing that I like is from chapter 31 because Job isn't just saying that he hasn't done things wrong but he's realising why it is wrong to do these things. That's real wisdom to not just accept that we shouldn't do something but to understand the reasoning behind it. It makes it a bit easier to stop doing it too. And then we finish with a new voice, that of Elihu who is a young whipper snapper with a belly full of passion. Now I think it's interesting to note that Elihu thinks he's being respectful in waiting his turn but then he spouts off with a load of insults to Job's three friends. I'd always encourage young people to speak out and challenge people regardless of their age but respect works both ways and you need to make sure you're not using language just to annoy or antagonise someone.

Into the New Testament we (what would be a good adjective then Joel? Oh yeah, we're using VERBS) scramble and Jesus is doing what He does best. Blowing people's arguments to pieces! First the Pharisees try and trick Him with questions about taxes that were really them trying to get Jesus to say something anti-Rome so that they could get Him arrested. Jesus saw through it though. Now here's a thought. Jesus ended up getting arrested and ended up in front of the Roman court. Why not just go for it now? I think this is again a fantastic example of the patience Jesus requires us to have when we seek His will. Everyone would like things sorted sooner than later but God's time is perfect.

Next Jesus talks about the resurrection with a group of priests known as the Saducees. Now the Saducees didn't believe in resurrection and I think they use the sort of tricks that a lot of us face, where people who think they know about Christianity or perhaps are even well read in Christianity but have no faith, try to ridicule the truth by finding little points to build their arguments off. Jesus handles this spectacularly and He doesn't try and answer their question but goes back to basics of how we'll be with God and we'll be alive so nothing they ask is relevant. I can't tell you how helpful it has been in my life to keep core God truths in my heart and mind when I'm challenged. God loves us and we'll be with Him. That's what we have to be certain of.

And Jesus affirms this with the next round of questions. The Pharisees come back with a new teaser asking which bit of the Bible is the most important. Now this again is a loaded question as they were basically challenging Jesus to say that some of God's word was more important than others. But Jesus' reply is the command that underpins everything that happens in God's word and where we should be to approach any decision or choice we have to make. Love God, love other people. That's the key folks! It is hard but don't let that be an excuse. Challenge yourself to do it!

Jesus then shuts them up for good by pointing out how silly it can be to take the Bible out of context or literally where it isn't intended. I wonder how many fundamentalists have read this passage... Again, being a Christian doesn't have to make us soft folk who run from arguments but we should be winning them with God's grace and wisdom, not through loud voices, snide remarks or point scoring. If a discussion is getting out of hand then pray to God whilst it's going on.

Finally we continue our Psalm and the Psalmist talks of how God rescues us not just through His power but through His love as well. It seems to me that today's passage has Job questioning his friends as well as God, Elihu questioning those he sees as older and dumber, people taxing Jesus with questions and Jesus questioning back. But what's the answer? This is the answer I think. Love. God is love and to any problem you have, if you start there it's the firmest foundation you can get to reaching your answer. God loves you and wants you to love everyone else just the same.

And that's your lot. Yesterday's song is here. Today's is a little victory for me as I though I had no chance of getting him in here... Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always


1 comment:

  1. Ok...I was actually thinking verb in my head when I said adjective to you so I think you should let me off this time, but at least it got me a shout out! By the way I still think 'into the new testament we roly-poly' is a good idea...hint!
    Thanks for another great blog, Jon. It's appreciated!
