Ok gang. The blog is back for those who are interested. I'm ignoring the *ahem*74*ahem* few days I've missed for now and hoping against hope to get them typed at some point in the future. Possibly on days off. But for now, it's a new month and so it's as decent a time as ever to get back to writing. I've been reading my Bible but have really lost the writing bug. Nothing will change that though except writing again! So quick update with where I am. Job is still going ok and I'm still hoping and trying to get into this youth work professionally. Otherwise I'm still happy, single and wondering where God's going to take me next. Onto business then!
Today’s readings
2 Samuel 3:22-5:5
Acts 1:1-22
Psalms 69:13-28
What a time to start blogging again! Lots of gore and action going on amidst the odd names here. People say the Bible can be boring but it's hard stuff reading about all this political turmoil and backstabbing. Belly stabbing too come to think of it... But what do we get from this latest chapter of Israel's struggle to become a nation? Still not satisfied with the king that they didn't need but God provided, they're desperate to formalise David's position by removing any possible claim from Saul's family. This sort of thing happened a lot in England during the 15th century and it shows how power, and individuals keen to improve their own level of power, can really lose track of what it means to be human.
David's place in the Bible is a vital one because he is the only king of Israel that really seems to get it right politically and spiritually most of the time. Now modern history tells us Israel might not actually have been all that big at the time of David but I think that makes it even more fascinating and inspiring that this young man still took such a role so seriously and recognised that God had to be the one who was allowed to be in control. So what do we get from today's OT passage? Well I think the message that is most clear is that it's wrong to hitch your wagon to a charismatic man or woman of God if it makes you ignore God and the importance He puts on you. Obviously also don't murder people or try and manipulate things to your own benefit if it hurts others. But I do think there's a message here about focusing on you and God rather than just what someone else can tell you about God.
Into the New Testament we go and we're starting the second book in the New Testament written by Luke. Acts is just that. The things that us normal folk did once Jesus left. I always thought that maybe Acts should be updated yearly or something with other top tales of God's people working for Him. But yeah, Acts is predominantly about the early church working out just what they are meant to do now Jesus has gone and it's always worth remembering that we still don't get the right answers most of the time so let's not be too judgemental of anything we read straight away.
Well we start Acts with a little church meeting! Doesn't it seem typical that the first thing Christians do after seeing Jesus ascend and angels speaking to them is to sit in a room and talk about policy and vision! But I do think this is an important lesson. Sometimes we get caught up with a speaker or a message that we forget about the impact and effect it might have on others. We're called to be salt in the world, keeping it fresh by interacting and so it's important to not just go blurting out full of the Spirit but instead practice Jesus' method of getting to know people in their place and situation and being available for God to work through us.
Finally our Psalm today continues and it's a hard to read plea for God to be violent and destructive to people who oppress David. Now we've just read David being very much in favour of non-violence and yet here he seems to be having a complete about turn. Well obviously this is slightly out of context as the rest of the Psalm has been read yesterday and will be finished tomorrow. But other to that I think is the fact that we all get angry and want to think that God will back us up in our fights. That He'll always have our corner because He loves us. Well yes God does love us but He loves them equally so and what right do we have to wish ill on another of God's children no matter how harsh they've treated us? Hard to live by but I think the other message here is again a warning against holding up a teacher or a leader to a higher standard. The only infallible truth is that of God's love and it is Him we should return to for answers.
That's your lot for today. Had fun with that and looking forward to continuing! Let's have a song too, why not. As always, feel free to comment here or on facebook.
Jon Hancock
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