Hey gang. Not much of note occurred today except me leaving the house without my mobile. Oh and I might move to New Zealand. Why not? Onto business then
Today’s readings
2 Samuel 9:1-10:19
Acts 3:1-26
Psalm 70:1-5
So the tale of our Old Testament reading today is how David was trying to a nice guy. First he helps out Saul's grandson (deep breath) Mephibosheth and then he tries to be gracious to the Ammonites despite previously fighting with them. I think there are a lot of lessons here despite the outcomes of each attempt. First is that grudges aren't Godly. Being angry at someone isn't great but keeping that anger and then putting it onto other people that are connected is just not helpful to anyone. We see here that David tries to mend the relationships that he has and Hanun, the Ammonite king, mistrusts him and keeps the grudge going, much to his later misfortune. There's also here a message about doing the right thing regardless of the consequences. David still forgave Hanun and after the Ammonites fled the battle he didn't pursue them relentlessly. When we do God's work we might not always get the results we'd expect but our witness in doing it will have impact somewhere down the line. Also I think there's a message here about giving your best. David doesn't just make Mephibosheth feel welcome for the day; he commits to giving up his own wealth to Mephibosheth and in having him become a member of his court. This is a HUGE deal in those times, especially for someone who was severely disabled. It's hard and I'm rubbish at it but we're expected not just to live ourselves for God but to give our very best and not hold back from the bits of humanity we can help
Into the New Testament we disembark and we get a lovely reflection of the Old Testament. First there is a direct aiding to someone who is amongst the dregs of society. Imagine stopping and actually talking to the next homeless person you see or mad old lady that comes into work. Let alone helping them to their feet and ministering the gospel to them! And then we have Peter telling the crowd how they might have messed up in killing Jesus (slight understatement) but they can be forgiven anyway and that there is no grudge from God, only the freedom and love that comes with faith and His forgiveness.
Finally we get a new Psalm and once again the Psalmist seems like he's desperate as much for God's punishment on his enemies as much for his own rescue. Well we've seen God doesn't work like that and wants all of us to become the people described at the end of the Psalm; hunting for God and praising His name and being subsequently blessed. Overall today's readings seem to be about focusing on doing your best for God even when it's weird or embarrassing but also in not wishing harm on people and instead taking that hurt to God.
And that's your lot for today. Yesterday's song is here Today's is much more man hating ;) Feel free to comment here or on Facebook,
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