Friday, 17 December 2010

Day 80

And another blog!

Today’s readingsNumbers 11:4-13:25
Luke 3:23-4:13
Proverbs 7:21-27

Lots to confuse us in this passage from Numbers. First the moaning met with a blessing that is actually a curse of sorts. Then a false prophet. And finally some giants. Sometimes the Bible just outright confuses me and I have to come back to God and my basics of faith. So here's what I've got from this. First is that God hears us. And not only does He hear but He provides. Does He curse? I don't think so. I think that if you look at the abundance of meat that was provided and the subsequent illness it sort of mirrors how the Israelites who tried to hoard manna found that it was rotten by the next day. I feel as though God provided the quail but the Israelites greed is what made them ill from over indulging.

Also there's a message that God might use you a lot or a little but you're never less worthy because of it. It's tempting to want more and search for more which is great but then to get cross when we don't seem to get more. Humilty with God is everything and the answers and blessings are His to dish out as and when He deems it to be fit.

I think as well there is a message for those of us who are feeling like we're alone. Even though Moses is bringing bad news and is sceptical himself, God still provides and cares and supports. There's also a warning against gossiping, especially against people who are trying to work for God. He won't tolerate it and you'll not be getting blessed nor will it bring you closer to God.

As for the giants? Yeah I'm going to pull the symbolism card. The writers of this passage wanted to show just how amazing the land that God had prepared for them was and how fruitless (pun intended) the moaning of the people was. They missed slavery because they got a varied diet but they were being led to freedom and sustenance beyond their expectations!

Into the New Testament and we have Jesus' period of temptation after His genealogy. There's not a lot you can say for lists of relatives though I do like how Jesus' past shows He isn't from the best folk or the most holy folk but rather a real mix of stories and backgrounds. Now His temptations are a very interesting parallel to the Israelites' moaning. He's in the desert and is hungry but instead of moaning to God, He falls back on His core truths of loving God first and accepting His fate to be in God's hands. We make so much of free will and predestination sometimes that I think we forget that we should be desperate for God to lead us around by the nose because we'll end up where He wants us to be.

Finally we're back in Proverbs with our tempting lady and we get the end of the story where we find it quite clear what happens to people that chase sex rather than God first. It's some pretty powerful imagery brought out with calves being butchered and stags being shot with arrows. Temptations are everywhere but Jesus shows that humility and reliance are what get us through those "irresistible" temptations.

Onto the next one...

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