Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Day 69

Right. I'm catching up starting now. These are going to be short and swift to get us back on track because I've got a fair few to catch up on. No frills from now on until we're back up to date

Today’s readings

Leviticus 21:1-22:33
Mark 15:1-32
Psalm 31:19-24

The laws in Leviticus that are described here are a bit grim but I think it's telling us an important and challenging thing. It's vital that we bring our best to God. I've let this blog slip for a number of reasons, not just limited to Google not letting me sign in for a few weeks. But I'm definitely guilty of leaving it till the last minute or choosing my PS3 over it. Well here God is commanding that the people He calls to work for Him must stay clean for Him and be the best that they can be for Him. Remember, touching the dead and infectious at this time would have led to you most likely dying yourself and God needed these people to do His work. So if we're called to do His work then we should be trying our best not to interact with things that will damage us or stop us being able to carry out His will.

Into the New Testament and we're losing the verbs too till we catch up. Here we have Jesus being treated like a toy for the people. Executed for fun and revenge. I am really feeling challenged by God here because I can't help but think that it's not a coincidence that I start doing these again with something showing me just what suffering and degredation Jesus went through for me. How quickly do we forget that and hype up our own problems instead. I also think it's crazy that Simon of Cyrene was just coming home from work. I feel shattered when I come home from my job and yet I don't then have to drag a cross up a hill and watch my best friend be crucified on it. God's sacrifice of Jesus was so huge and yet we still try and put our own struggle before it.

Finally our Psalm is a real comfort to me at least. Coming back to this act of worship as I think it is and here God's telling me that blessings do wait for me. And for us! What a privelege it actually is to be able to read and study His word and share it with anyone who wants to read.

That's your lot. On to the next one!

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