Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Day 29 - In My Place

Sorry for the timing on this one but I've had a productive day of job applying followed by a night at the pictures. So a quick review first. The Other Guys, the new Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg film, is annoyingly fantastic. Definitely recommend for anyone old enough to watch it. I can't stand Ferrell usually but as he's getting older I'm getting more tolerant. Another quick review though. Saw a trailer for the new Katherine Heigel film. And goodness me what a horrible plot. It basically boils down to saying if two people are a terrible couple, a baby will fix them and bring them together. That's the worst and most false thing in the world! I bet Jeremy Kyle is furrowing his brow extra deep about that one. Onto business then

Today’s readings
Job 11:1-14:22
Matthew 20: 1-19
Psalm 17:6- 12

First things first. Sorry but it appears a couple of days ago we read all of Psalm 17, or at least I did, because the Soul Survivor site put up the wrong link. From now on I'll be checking the references against the book and not just the site.

So we start with Job's third "friend", Zophar, who is very dismissive of Job's attitude and goes on about how if you follow God then life's instantly a bed of roses. (I hate that metaphor. Roses are thorny...) He kind of shoots himself in the foot (better metaphor) by saying how dare Job believe he can understand the mystery of God, and then goes onto say how he, Zophar, understands the mystery of God. Silly man... Be wary of people who claim to know God's will. Sometimes they will but often very wise or charismatic people can get the complete wrong idea. I think a good rule of thumb is to listen to people who are open to the prospect of being wrong about God.

Job responds much as I have by pointing out that Zophar's wisdom isn't his own and that he doesn't have an exclusivity on it. Instead it's God who is in charge and in control and Job talks about how all nature obeys God and works as a huge system because of His work initially. Job also condemns the men for making excuses for God. Our Bible Study group were talking about this on Tuesday but bad things do happen and it's not for us to try and explain them away so that God's off the hook. Bad things that happen don't have to be part of a plan or a purpose, they are often the result of human's being exactly what God doesn't want them to be and rather than God causing the hurt, He is working through it.

Job fluctuates between being sure in his faith and conviction that he is a good man to bargaining with God to stop his suffering. I can understand where he's coming from but this whole book to me is a lesson in suffering and how it's not up to God to stop it necessarily but up to the people around the person to do God's work. God wants us to be our best and that involves helping others, not hoping He'll do it for us. Job has three friends who are happy to lecture him but none of them have offered him any real help yet... As people of God we need to be taking a look at where we can make a difference to an individual's life, not by preaching at them but by showing them God's love. We're not in it for numbers but for praising and serving the Lord.

Verse 14 of chapter 14 really hits me. Job is this amazing guy who lives his life for God and yet he isn't even sure there's an afterlife. What's our motivation? Salvation has to be a big part of it but do we want the prize or the joy of service too... Do we get energized by being God's people or by the promise of salvation alone. It can be hard to rely on God but I think this is what relying on God is. Finding your energy and drive in service to Him through the way you live your life. Not necessarily going into ministry or mission but finding how God wants you to be His child in this world and then doing that with all you have. Using your gifts and talents and having the courage that comes with the backing of truth and righteousness :)

Into the New Testament we slide and here Jesus hits us straight away with another parable. The workers getting paid the same is all about justice and how God is just but also generous. We have been given so many blessings and sometimes it's easy to look on new Christians with a jealousy at their enthusiasm or a sceptical attitude towards their confidence and apparent gifts. Well God doesn't work on first come first serve. He loves everyone equally and will bless and gift us all equally. We ought not be working for prizes and rewards but out of duty, love and respect for a God who does so much for us day by day.

Then Jesus tells the disciples about his impending death but is very quick to assure them that there will be the miracle of resurrection. It's interesting to note this because boy oh boy are the disciples quick to forget. I guess so are we. To me, today's readings aren't necessarily about things being fair and just as Soul Survivor have written but about how we need to remember our place in the scheme of things. God is in control, we can never truly understand Him, He still loves us SO much and equally too and He died for us so that we could live our lives for Him without fear of seperation. It's a call to go out and live for Christ! Make the most of this body and soul, give it to Him each day.

And that's your lot. If you want the Psalm looked at then go back 2 days! My finger hurts hence this going up late and I want bed! Yesterday's song is here. Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always


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