Thursday, 2 September 2010

Day 2 - Direction

Ok, today's reflections are going to be much shorter, only because I'm soon to be having dinner and also because I don't need all yesterday's preamble. So on to business!

Today’s readings:

Genesis 2:18-4:16

Matthew 2:1-18

Psalms 2:1-12

The readings today follow on from yesterday in style as well as in content. Obviously these chapters follow on from yesterday but the themes behind them build on what we read yesterday. Day 1's readings were all about how we need to have God at the beginning of everything we do because His awesome power and love will take control and bless us. Today it seemed like God was saying to me that this isn't an empty promise and that once you start with Him, He'll take you where you ought to be.

So let's look at the passages individually. Genesis continues the creation story talking about how God created Adam and Eve, how they broke God's laws and how their children fared in their relationship with God. I'm going to start by saying that my personal belief on the creation story is going to shape how I reflect on the scripture and if you believe differently then I'm not saying you're wrong. The start of Genesis is to me very similar to other parts of the Bible that are written using poetry and symbolism. But there is a truth there still.

Throughout this passage there are signs of God guiding and directing Adam and Eve, humanity's representatives. Now most people will focus on the Fall and how humanity loses everything by not following God's instructions. This is really important of course, but I got another message today. In chapter 3 verse 8, God is walking with Adam and Eve while they're hiding. To me, this shows that even when we're not living God's plan or wanting to recognise His will, God's always there anyway, knowing exactly where we are. God's rebuking in verses 16-19 is full of anger but it would have been very easy for him to just say "Get out." Instead he gives detailed instructions on what humanity will have to do to survive. Even in his disappointment and anger, He's making sure that we know what we need to do to survive.

One thing that stood out as new to me was verse 22 when God says that humanity is being banished from paradise because they can't eat from the tree of life, which is a different tree to the forbidden one. So the fact that we don't follows God's plans mean we miss out on eternal life. That's scary and vital to remember.

Then we have Cain and Abel. There are two lessons I took from this story beyond the obvious message about killing your brother! I always felt conflicted that God would honour Abel's offering but not Cain's. However, God still talks to Cain and tells him that just because he isn't being blessed every single time he puts time to one side for God, he shouldn't lose his temper. This short lesson in patience is one that I'm going to have to keep remembering in the months to come I'm sure!

Second to that, God again gets angry at Cain and puts all sorts of boundaries between him and God; boundaries which Cain himself put there through his own fault. However, he once again makes sure that Cain has a direction, a purpose and a sense of safety because despite his anger, God still loves humanity no matter how much we screw up.

Matthew's passage is the familiar story of the wise men and once again we see God directing people. Making a bunch of astrologers who had no real attachment to the prophecies and laws of Israel come and find Jesus at his house, via King Herod. Now it seems slightly odd that God wouldn't just make them skip the insane and murderous king but there's always a plan and it often makes no sense till afterwards. Herod knowing about Jesus meant Joseph and Mary had to once again rely on God and run to Egypt where Jesus was safe. Once again we see God moving people and keeping them safe as long as they trust and follow Him!

Finally there's today's Psalm. Now I'd really encourage you to try and read it in a different translation as my Message version today really made this come alive. It's interesting as well that today we see the first meeting for ages between the leaders of Israel and Palestine, two groups of people who are constantly fighting and not following God's laws, and then this Psalm starts with world leaders trying to work out how they can do business while ignoring God. Well we know what happens when you leave God out of things by now! What I like most is verse 4 where God actually laughs about how stupid it is to think you can be more powerful than Him. He then talks about how Jesus is already planned to come and rule and how Jesus will get all the power and control He deserves. It also talks about how we as humanity ought to recognise where the real power in the world lies and rely on that!

This has all seemed very relevant to me. Today I arranged my meeting at the job centre so that I can hopefully get some cash and then a new job. And sure enough God's there telling me that He has a direction that He will push me in as long as I remember to trust and follow Him. Inspiring stuff!

So maybe actually today's was longer than expected but there was more to talk about today in terms of word count!

As always thoughts and comments below please. If you don't have a Google account then you can comment by selecting the URL option I think and just leaving the website box blank. Criticism and disagreements welcomed :)


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