Saturday, 25 September 2010

Day 25 - The Promise

Latest blog ever? Quite possibly. Been really struggling with this today. This'll be the fourth attempt at writing it and I've no excuse other than apathy. I'm hoping that the Bible stuff is going to pick me up a little. Definitely might fall asleep in church tomorrow so feel free to poke me. Onto business then

Today’s readings

Genesis 49:1-50:26
Matthew 17:14-18:9
Psalm 15:1-5

So we get to the end of our first book. 65 to go! The vast majority of them shorter than this one too. First thing that jumps out at me today is Jacob's words to Judah. In verse 10 he talks about Judah being in charge (and Judah's tribe did rule Israel for AGES) but he talks about waiting for the ultimate ruler. Now at no point had Jacob been told by God about Jesus. In fact it's not till much later that the Jewish people start believing there will be a Messiah. This is quite cool then that Jacob, getting closer to God on his deathbed than ever before, receives this brilliant revelation.

Asher clearly was the comedy relief of the brothers if he only got blessed with food. I know how films work. If there's a bunch of people, the foody has to be the funny one... Now Joseph gets special treatment and it's understandable considering what Jacob had been through but I find it weird that Jacob calls him a wild donkey. I guess there's compliments in there somewhere about being stubborn and hardy. Just made me think that sometimes I seek praise for certain things I've tried really hard at and ignore the praise that doesn't suit my ego's needs. I'm going to have to be more appreciative of all the accolades God chooses to pass my way and I don't mean that in a big headed fashion. There's a lesson here to take every compliment to heart as, if they're true, they come from God and are a form of worship, a praise to God for the great things He has given you.

Into chapter 50 and wow! Verse 3 could get overlooked but let's not forget that the Israelites were not allowed to eat with Egyptians and were basically owned by the Pharoah at this point yet the Egyptians mourned for 70 days over the death of Jacob. And then later on the Egyptians are mourning so heavily that they name a place after this outpouring of grief! God moves people to different emotions and sometimes we forget that these extreme responses are also gifts from God. I'm getting slightly cross with myself as I type this because all of my apathy and laziness is a direct neglect of what God has called me to do. I need to focus on this being part of my service and dedication to God in thanks for the blessings He continues to pour on me.

Then finally Joseph again, and he must be getting pretty fed up of this by now, points out to his brothers that he isn't vengeful. But why and how is he not? Because he realises God's hand in everything. I'm quite lucky at the moment not to be too cross at anyone but if you're struggling with someone, try and step outside the situation and believe that God has it in hand.

But there's a bigger issue here too that Andy talks about on the Soul Survivor vlog. I'm not going to harp on about it because you can just watch him saying it clearer and more thought out! But this is the end of the beginning and Genesis to me is the beginning of God's work with humanity. From creation, however you want to interpret it, all the way to Joseph's death, God has been introducing Himself to humanity bit by bit and trying to help us achieve something better. Now the majority of Genesis is about Abraham's tribe and his descendents and for them, a better and safer life is one in their own country where they can be prosperous. So God is promising that they will end up there even if it takes centuries of waiting. I mean even with the whole debate over whether the ages are true or not, there's still more than four generations of people between God promising the land to Abraham and Joseph dying. He's got grandkids by this point so that's...6 whole generations and still no fulfillment of this promise. But God keeps it and it's in His time. Sometimes we don't think God will ever answer our prayers and the truth is, it might not happen in our lifetime. But He has promised us great things and if it's after we die? Well we'll be sitting next to Him worshipping and looking down. Try your best to renew and recognise God's promises in your life.

Into the New Testament we slump. I do love the way the Message interprets Jesus. He's so full of passion and drive. Sometimes He can come across a bit lovey dovey and bland. This passage starts with Jesus getting frustrated at the disciples lack of faith. It's a common theme and one that must plague God with us too. We have so much potential but we limit ourselves by listening to Satan telling us we can't or won't achieve something. Think about the last thing you did that suprised yourself and how it made you feel. When you step out for God or even for yourself, it's a thrill because you're living to your potential realised!

Jesus then gets into a confusing bit with Peter about taxes. Now is this Jesus breaking the law? Is He using His miraculous power for His own gain? I'd never really read this passage before and it's leaving me quite challenged. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this bit guys. Now I think the point that Jesus makes here is true and brilliant. Jesus shouldn't have to pay to go to the Temple as He is the son of the person the Temple tax is meant to go to; God. And likewise, we're the children of God and so we shouldn't HAVE to pay to go to church. The offering is voluntary for this very reason. But then the bit with the fish... I just don't get it. Did Jesus not have any money on Him? Did none of the disciples carry cash? I know the Queen doesn't carry any money on her but I didn't realise the same applied for the one, true King! Hmmm... ok much thought and prayer later (gosh it's late. Silly Jon getting conflicted at 3am) I think it might be like this. Jesus doesn't have to pay God's taxes and neither should we. But He does to avoid confrontation because He recognises the Temple must continue functioning. Also He gets His money directly from God as it comes from creation. I've no problem believing there might be cash in the fish as things like that do happen occasionally and Jesus would have known God could make that happen. This sounds ok to me. Other thoughts and input? Am I making too big a deal of this? Talk to me people!!!

Next we get a nice parallel with the Genesis passage. There we had Jacob's sons taking their blessing and dealing with it. Not complaining but just accepting that they had done wrong to Joseph and weren't all going to get the best deal out of their father's death. Here we have the disciples arguing over who gets to sit next to Jesus. It must have been so hard for Jesus to keep these guys around! They keep on missing the point like a lot of us do that Jesus can do amazing things and will do amazing things and the details are just not as important as the truth. People will often question me and you about our faith and how we can believe this or what happens if this happens. And the truth is we don't know. But we do know that God works in this world and lives in us. We do know that trying to love humankind equally tends to make the world a better place to live in. Don't lose sight of the true promise here because of questions about the little stuff. To me this is what Jesus is talking about when He says to cut off hands and eyes. If things are stopping you seeing the big picture of Jesus then they're stopping you living your life to its fullness.

Finally our Psalm. David here is giving us a very brief to do list on how to get into God's good books. That's helpful of him! But it's true. These are the simple things. This is how you live your life and need to be your priorities. Now notice David doesn't say you'll live the best life on earth doing this but rather get invited to dinner at God's house. So maybe life won't be the perfection you always thought it would. But death will be and that's got to be the finishing line you run for.

And that's your lot for today. Been a bit longer and quite personal today. Hope you don't mind but sometimes it helps to clear out the brain and get cross with yourself publically. Do feedback guys. It helps me IMMENSELY. If you can't work out how to do it here then comment the post I put on my Facebook profile.

Yesterday's song was this. Huge mega points if you got that and do listen to it as it's awesome rock. I might actually come up with a leaderboard if more than one person starts guessing these :p Have a great Sunday peeps. Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always


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