Friday, 5 November 2010

Day 64 - Listen To Your Heart

And here's part 2 to get us that little bit closer to being on track. Onto business then,

Today’s readings

Leviticus 13:1-59
Mark 12:28-44
Proverbs 6:20-29

Ewwww... boils, spots, growths and moulds. Just what I want to read before bed... So what's the truth in here? For me this is more of God being bothered about us and taking care of us. He's diagnosing the illnesses that will befall the people and letting the Israelites know that the most important part of their mission is to survive and so those who cannot be helped must be left to one side. That's hard to hear... Especially from a God who loves each person and rules by justice for His people. So what's the lesson. Well, like a lot of Leviticus, i feel this is a pointer of how things were at the time not how things need to be now. In fact I'd argue that this passage stirs up uncomfortable feelings in us so that we repsond in the opposite. God wants us to be loving and tohear His command with a loving heart rather than following text without the sentiment behind it. It really upsets me when you see Christians preaching hate and mistrust of other people or groups because of their choices. God teaches us to hate sin but love people. We shouldn't be in the business of condemning or judging but of nurturing and supporting.

Into the New Testament we bustle and Jesus is showing just that nurturing and supporting attitude. Notice how Jesus never criticises people because of who they are. He never judges the person but the act that they are doing. Here He doesn't condemn the priests for how they pray and give but warns against acting like that. We need to remember that we're not blameless in anything and that when we see something wrong, it's not up to us to condemn the person but to pray for them and support them, showing them the alternative of a Christlike life. There are a few other confusing bits in here, especially the bit about the Messiah being the son of David. Without going into too much Jewish theology, Jesus here is showing not only His wisdom but also His book smarts. And He's also allowing people to make a choice about who He is rather than stating it as fact. In fact Jesus could have pointed out how He was from David's line and so was the Messiah but instead He lets His actions and words make people's minds up. It's not all headstrong rebuking all the time; only when it's needed. Jesus' method of choice is to use His heart in making decisions and He tries to change people in as loving a way possible.

Finally we're back in Proverbs. Not much to say here. Don't sleep around. Pretty obvious. Listen to your parents' advice is a tad trickier as we all believe we're individuals who know what's better for us than they do. But it's important to listen at least, even if you don't always act on it. Remember Jesus' example. Don't cause a confrontation for the sake of it.

And that's your lot for today. Previous song is here. Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always,


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