Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Day 62 - Stir It Up

And we're back within minutes. Literally nothing has happened since the last one so there's only one thing to say! Onto business then,

Today’s readings
Leviticus 9:1-10:20
Mark 11:27-12:12
Psalms 29:1-11

So chapter 9 seems like it's repeating what went before but I think it's really interesting and important to see that after all this preperation and instruction God gives out, the people act on it by doing what He's told them. Sometimes we do hear from God or we know what we ought to do but it's easier to sit and wait for the "right time" or until we're ready. Well God tells us to do things because He knows that the time is right and will use us regardless of how we think we're doing. The Israelites could have sat around for a few days talking about the different laws and sacrifices and making themselves worthy to be in the presence of God but they didn't. They just did what God told them to do straight away and were blessed because of it.

Chapter 10 seems like more of the angry Old Testament God everyone likes to talk about but here is God, finally spending time with His rescued people, everyone obeying His laws which are RIDICULOUSLY specific and yet Aaron's sons think that they can do a better job. Now death as the punishment might seem harsh but I think God realised their intention and would not have seperated them from Him in the afterlife but also needed to show the vital importance to this new nation that they follow what He had set out for them. We are ready to do what God wants as long as we're following His message. And that message is clear. Go out, spread love and justice and rely on God at all times!

Into the New Testament we boogie and did anyone else notice that verse 26 doesn't exist?! Tiny bit of research reveals that it's probably a later addition (like certain other bits of Mark might be) which was counted in the Latin translation but later omitted. Doesn't say anything new regardless.

Onto what we're actually reading though. The first thing I like about this passage is how Jesus appears to not answer the Pharisees but He actually does answer them through their own conscience and knowledge. Sometimes I wonder if we take God not answering our prayers as a nicer alternative to Him actually remaining silent because we already know the answer. And again in the parable Jesus tells, He is letting the Pharisees answer their own questions and their anger comes from them knowing the truth and not being able to argue against it. Jesus' teachings carry such weight because of their simple but plain truth. The convcition we feel within us at times, whether it be a positive motivator or a negative guilt trip, comes from our closeness to God's truth. Going with your gut can sometimes be a strategy that works, especially if that gut instinct comes from meditating on God's truth for us.

Finally our Psalm today is another from David and we see here a direct example of God's power having huge consequences but for the positive. God's presence can change and upset things in huge ways and I believe our message for today is that we should be wary of how God will shake and stir us up. He wants to be close and we need to first focus on His teachings to earn that closeness but then He wants to change and work in us and we need to be braced for that impact!

And that's your lot for today. Took me slightly longer due to a toilet break and mild distraction from (it was a Biblical quiz though...) Previous song is here. Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always,


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