Monday, 8 November 2010

Day 68 - Everybody Hurts

Ok I was going to catch up today but work has been a mission to get to and from today so we'll do it tomorrow as I'll have the afternoon free. Well, some of it. But if you prayed for me today thank you because praise the Lord I managed to find work and it doesn't suck even though there were many hurdles that Satan threw in my way. Hurrah Jesus! Onto business then,

Today’s readings

Mark 14:43-72
Proverbs 6:30-35

So our first chapter is lots of don'ts. But what I like about them is the peppering of "I am your God". It's like God realises how hearing all these don'ts is going to get us down and so He keeps pointing with a why and the why is because we get God instead. Fantastic news! Oh and the sideburns and beard? That's contextual again. It's so that you don't look like some of the crazy cults that were running around at the time. All of these laws in fact are to either protect His people physically or to give them an identity and a sense of belonging that would protect them from other, unholy influences.

The next chapter is more don't but mostly to do with sex again. I think it's interesting to focus not on the punishments of death but instead on how God highlights the victims of the sin. We need to remember that our sin doesn't just upset God but creates victims of other people. And again at the end of the chapter God points out that these laws are designed to make His people seperate from what is around them. We need to realise that we are all special but that our relationship with God means that we are seperate and should be proud to be different from society, not because of laws that we follow but because of love and justice that we spread.

Into the New Testament we flop and first and foremost how epic is verse 51 and 52? Most Biblical scholars believe that this is Mark writing himself a small cameo into the Bible. I love that this has been left in though because the Bible should be enjoyed and I believe that it is a tool to see the whole personality of God, including His sense of humour. That it was left in the middle of such a serious passage shows to me that God wants humanity to always have some joy in their hearts, regardless of how serious a situation gets. Or maybe I'm misreading it entirely. Thoughts?

Then we have Jesus' trial and it's easy to think of Him being all serene and aloof but I'd imagine He was scared at what was to come and yet still measured in His tone and in the truth that He spoke. It's incredible the suffering that He knew awaited Him and yet He chose to go through it for us. There are times that settles on me and just pops my brain. Ridiculous levels of love that I just don't deserve. Wow...

Finally a bit of Proverbs and apologies for Bible Gateway not splitting up the verses properly again. It starts from "Hunger". Again we're getting told not to do things but again we're seeing the why is in the victims that come from the sin. We need to remember that our actions do have consequences. Jesus' arrest saw an awful lot of people acting and the consequences from that were huge. Victims in the shape of Jesus, the guard and even Judas suffering from the guilt of betrayal. But living for God has amazing consequences as Jesus' sacrifice shows and while we're not going to be redeeming humanity any time soon, our choices and consequences can either make victims or do wonderful things!

And that's your lot for today. Yesterday's song is here. Sing along but make sure you've got one hand over your ear! Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always,


Sunday, 7 November 2010

Day 67 - I've Gotta Get A Message To You

So i'm exhausted but Connect went ace I thought and I am definitely enjoying this more again so I need to keep up the pace! Starting work tomorrow in Runcorn so any prayers would be appreciated! Onto business then,

Today’s readings

Leviticus 17:1-18:30
Mark 14:17-42
Psalm 31:9-18

The first thing that strikes me is how God will speak to the Israelites when they need it. All of these laws come from God and He can be relied on to speak to us when we're at our most needy. What follows are the laws on blood in food. Now a lot of this is used by both Jehovah's Witnesses for justification not to have blood transfusions and by Muslims for how they prepare their meat. Now I think this shows the danger in being literal with every part of the Bible and not viewing it as a complete story within the context that it was written. Yes the Bible applies today but God wants us to pray and strive towards understanding Him, rather than just taking things at face value.

Then we have 20 verses that are a little too specific about incest. It makes me think of The Simpsons when God gives out the 10 commandments and how at each one someone's gutted. How mad were the Israelites that they couldn't keep their pants on around their family?! Again, God talks to us when we need it most and will steer us back towards Him with His word. Whether we choose to follow it is up to us but if we need the direction then God will provide it one way or another.

Verse 21 is weird. Time to Wiki who Molech is... Ok, apparently Molech was an idol with 7 tiers that people would fill with different animals including a human child in the top tier and then it would be burned. Yikes. God must face palm at how stupid humanity can be. This sort of stuff is obviously wrong to us but we must do wrong things that God feels just as infuriated about.

Verse 22 needs to be discussed and I genuinely can't cover all opinion. Is this a cut and dry verse banning homosexuality? I'm not sure myself. Personally I think it's not a verse to get hung up on. Homosexuality is not a person and we should first and foremost avoid condeming people for a sin when every sin is equal and why start the list there? I don't expect people to agree with me necessarily but personally I find it hard to think that God has created people's hearts with emotions that they can't change. They can choose not to act on them just as I can choose as a single man not to go lady hopping. But I can't start fancying guys just as a gay guy or girl can't change their mind. Hmmm... I'd imagine we'll return to this. Last thing on it is also to remember the cultural context that we have put all Leviticus in and many of the surrounding cultures were openly bisexual and promiscuous and God was so desperate to give His people an identity seperate from their surrounding, spiritual, influences. In fact the end of the chapter reinforces that with God stressing that the Israelites focus on their unique identity, centred on Him.

Into the New Testament we schlep and it interests me how Jesus knows when we will sin and actually will alert us to it. I think today we're seeing just how directly God can affect our life whether through direction, aid or even warnings. I love that Jesus sings in verse 26. 13 blokes, none of them trained singers, having a praise session without any instruments. Now there's your model for worship. It doesn't matter about quality but intent! Again Jesus warns His disciples against sleep, knowing that they'll fall asleep anyway. We get warned against behaviour all the time, even if it's just a feeling that we know something is wrong. And God also gets involved in Jesus life, giving Him a renewed sense of purpose and conviction in what He has to do. Direction, advice, help and warnings can all come from God. Hurrah!

Finally we continue our Psalm and we read about how enemies attack us and attempt to destroy our character. This might seem melodramatic but enemies can be people or just attitudes and behaviour we have. It can be Satan's demons trying to influence our minds and hearts. But we see the solution is focusing on God and His truth so that we can keep ourselves safe from the spiritual attacks.

And that's your lot for today. Previous song here. Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always,


Day 66 - Part of the Process

Yeah maybe we'll be back up to date by tomorrow night... Maybe... Things are getting busy! Onto business then,

Today’s readings

Leviticus 15:1-16:34
Mark 13:32-14:16
Psalm 31:1-8

Ewww again. This is all a bit too much for a Sunday lunchtime. Bodily fluids all over the place! But it's the same message. God's bothered about us and wants us to stay healthy. God's laws are there to protect us and keep us safe as well as keeping other people safe too. Sometimes that actually means other people being kept safe in spite of our feelings or our pride but God loves them just as much as us and we have to remember that being a Christian means we need a level of humility in our lives also.

And why do we have these laws? Because  God wants to spend time with us and be able to talk to us and love us. The next chapter illustrates to what lengths He is willing to go to ensure that the Israelites can be in a close relationship with Him. Fab news!

Into the New Testament we rise and it's interesting how Jesus tells His disciples to be alert for His return. He'd know that it wasn't going to be in their lifetime so why tell them this? Well I think that Jesus wants us to always be wanting His return but to also be living a life that we can be proud of when we do meet Him again. We then get the gift to Jesus of the expensive perfume. We've talked about this before but it's worth remembering again that we need to be giving our best and our all to Jesus because it will be used to make the world a better place, closer to His ideal plan.

Judas' betrayal is interestingly portrayed here. He doesn't even seem to want the money as it is an afterthought from the priests. Having done Connect this morning and talking about when we get thoughts that aren't actually ours but whispered to us from the Devil during this life of spiritual warfare. I find it hard to believe that Judas would betray Jesus so easily considering how close he would have been to Jesus. To me, this is another warning about being able to spot the thoughts and plans we have that come from Satan's demons and once we recognise them we should fall back onto the truths that God has given us in His word.

Finally our Psalm starts today and amidst the usual poetry of crying out for help we have verse 6 which seems a little odd. Hating religion but trusting God. We've been talking about how God's laws help us live our lives but here David says he hates religion but trusts God. So is religion God's laws? Should we hate it? I think the key here is to remember that the only thing that will save us is God and that while the church is a vital part of a Christian life, we should never place our hope or trust in the church or in another Christian but always look beyond it to God as our starting point.

And that's your lot for that one. Yesterday's song is here. Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always,


Saturday, 6 November 2010

Day 65 - Would I Lie To You?

Only 300 to go!! That's a milestone isn't it? Maybe?? Onto business then,

Today’s readings

Leviticus 14:1-57
Mark 13:1-31
Psalm 30:8-12

So we get home improvement advice today... Well it's still continuing our theme of God wanting to look after us and speaking to us in ways we understand. But I think the one thing I've got out of this is how important it is to say thank you after something good does happen. We can spend so long expecting things to happen that sometimes we forget that we ought to thank God for everything that comes, regardless of its size or importance. God here gives the Israelites a whole heap of ways to say thank you because He deserves our respect,, praise and thanks. A lot of people find that hard to deal with but it should be a moment of joy to be able to thank our Lord and to relish in His presence.

Into the New Testament we jam and Jesus is talking about the finality of everything. This stuff is quite hard to read but it's important to realise that Jesus never hid the truth. He knew that suffering would happen to everyone, regardless of if they followed Him, and that the only thing that can keep you going through that suffering is the rememberance of salvation. Jesus foretells the destruction of the Temple which does happen in the lifetime of His disciples and then He foretells the chaos that will happen at the end of days. But this chaos has already started and was going on in Jesus' time too. I think it's really important that we realise that Jesus has never promised justice within our life time but instead compells us to go and deliver justice. Christianity is about love but it's not a fake love that doesn't deal with the real world. Jesus is well aware of the rubbish that happens in the world and calls us to run to Him for salvation from it. Of course running to Him involves doing His will which means we'll be running back out to do what we can in those situations!

Finally our Psalm shows that the promise of salvation does come. What I like most is how David says that his songs won't last after he dies. Little did he know! But that shows to me that God not only saves us but can blow our limitations and preconceptions out of the water too. Times will get hard and the Bible is clear about that. But it is Jesus who saves us and will continue to provide for us with the ultimate rescue.

And that's your lot for today. Unless I do one before bed. There's a chance certainly. Yesterday's song is here. Praise God for chavvy remixes! Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always


Friday, 5 November 2010

Day 64 - Listen To Your Heart

And here's part 2 to get us that little bit closer to being on track. Onto business then,

Today’s readings

Leviticus 13:1-59
Mark 12:28-44
Proverbs 6:20-29

Ewwww... boils, spots, growths and moulds. Just what I want to read before bed... So what's the truth in here? For me this is more of God being bothered about us and taking care of us. He's diagnosing the illnesses that will befall the people and letting the Israelites know that the most important part of their mission is to survive and so those who cannot be helped must be left to one side. That's hard to hear... Especially from a God who loves each person and rules by justice for His people. So what's the lesson. Well, like a lot of Leviticus, i feel this is a pointer of how things were at the time not how things need to be now. In fact I'd argue that this passage stirs up uncomfortable feelings in us so that we repsond in the opposite. God wants us to be loving and tohear His command with a loving heart rather than following text without the sentiment behind it. It really upsets me when you see Christians preaching hate and mistrust of other people or groups because of their choices. God teaches us to hate sin but love people. We shouldn't be in the business of condemning or judging but of nurturing and supporting.

Into the New Testament we bustle and Jesus is showing just that nurturing and supporting attitude. Notice how Jesus never criticises people because of who they are. He never judges the person but the act that they are doing. Here He doesn't condemn the priests for how they pray and give but warns against acting like that. We need to remember that we're not blameless in anything and that when we see something wrong, it's not up to us to condemn the person but to pray for them and support them, showing them the alternative of a Christlike life. There are a few other confusing bits in here, especially the bit about the Messiah being the son of David. Without going into too much Jewish theology, Jesus here is showing not only His wisdom but also His book smarts. And He's also allowing people to make a choice about who He is rather than stating it as fact. In fact Jesus could have pointed out how He was from David's line and so was the Messiah but instead He lets His actions and words make people's minds up. It's not all headstrong rebuking all the time; only when it's needed. Jesus' method of choice is to use His heart in making decisions and He tries to change people in as loving a way possible.

Finally we're back in Proverbs. Not much to say here. Don't sleep around. Pretty obvious. Listen to your parents' advice is a tad trickier as we all believe we're individuals who know what's better for us than they do. But it's important to listen at least, even if you don't always act on it. Remember Jesus' example. Don't cause a confrontation for the sake of it.

And that's your lot for today. Previous song is here. Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always,


Day 63 - I Will Protect You

Still playing catch up. I'll try to get a couple in today and we'll still be on course for being up to date by Sunday. Onto business then,

Today’s readings

Leviticus 11:1-12:8
Mark 12:13-27
Psalms 30:1-7

Ok so Leviticus carries on with a whole list of things to eat and not eat and then a tiny bit on giving birth. There's not much to say here about what's written but I think the intention needs to be seen. God knows everything and this is Him saving His people once again without them realising and putting it in terms they understand. All of the animals God lists are likely to give you food poisoning if you eat them or fail to prepare them properly. Now the Israelites didn't understand germs so God made some broad ground rules to keep them out of danger. Similarly, after giving birth the woman is considered unclean and isolated because it will lower the chance of infection and strengthen the emotional bond between mother and child. Old Testament laws aren't necessarily meant to be carried through to today and I think the key to following them is to remember why they were created in the first place. Because God wants us to stay safe. Following God's will can put us in danger but a danger that He will rescue us from ultimately. But not following God's will can only lead us into danger without rescue. It's easy to forget that God doesn't hate us for sinning. He worries that He'll lose us because our way is the wrong way.

Into the New Testament we pulsate and Jesus is blowing people's minds away as usual! What I like here is how He is saved by God from persecution thanks to His amazing wisdom. In both cases Jesus' reputation and potentially His freedom and life were at stake. I think that today we're learning that everyone will die but God wants to save us until our time is right and if we focus on Him then we'll get to do everything He intended us to do.

Finally our Psalm begins and it's a Psalm of warning against thinking everything's going to be ok. I think that fits in nicely. We need to rely on God to rescue us, especially when we're following His will. But ultimately we have to relinquish the authority over our lives and our time on Earth to God because He will call us back at some point.

And that's this one in the bag. Yesterday's song is here and you've got to love how she rhymes wire, time and mine in one verse! Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always


Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Day 62 - Stir It Up

And we're back within minutes. Literally nothing has happened since the last one so there's only one thing to say! Onto business then,

Today’s readings
Leviticus 9:1-10:20
Mark 11:27-12:12
Psalms 29:1-11

So chapter 9 seems like it's repeating what went before but I think it's really interesting and important to see that after all this preperation and instruction God gives out, the people act on it by doing what He's told them. Sometimes we do hear from God or we know what we ought to do but it's easier to sit and wait for the "right time" or until we're ready. Well God tells us to do things because He knows that the time is right and will use us regardless of how we think we're doing. The Israelites could have sat around for a few days talking about the different laws and sacrifices and making themselves worthy to be in the presence of God but they didn't. They just did what God told them to do straight away and were blessed because of it.

Chapter 10 seems like more of the angry Old Testament God everyone likes to talk about but here is God, finally spending time with His rescued people, everyone obeying His laws which are RIDICULOUSLY specific and yet Aaron's sons think that they can do a better job. Now death as the punishment might seem harsh but I think God realised their intention and would not have seperated them from Him in the afterlife but also needed to show the vital importance to this new nation that they follow what He had set out for them. We are ready to do what God wants as long as we're following His message. And that message is clear. Go out, spread love and justice and rely on God at all times!

Into the New Testament we boogie and did anyone else notice that verse 26 doesn't exist?! Tiny bit of research reveals that it's probably a later addition (like certain other bits of Mark might be) which was counted in the Latin translation but later omitted. Doesn't say anything new regardless.

Onto what we're actually reading though. The first thing I like about this passage is how Jesus appears to not answer the Pharisees but He actually does answer them through their own conscience and knowledge. Sometimes I wonder if we take God not answering our prayers as a nicer alternative to Him actually remaining silent because we already know the answer. And again in the parable Jesus tells, He is letting the Pharisees answer their own questions and their anger comes from them knowing the truth and not being able to argue against it. Jesus' teachings carry such weight because of their simple but plain truth. The convcition we feel within us at times, whether it be a positive motivator or a negative guilt trip, comes from our closeness to God's truth. Going with your gut can sometimes be a strategy that works, especially if that gut instinct comes from meditating on God's truth for us.

Finally our Psalm today is another from David and we see here a direct example of God's power having huge consequences but for the positive. God's presence can change and upset things in huge ways and I believe our message for today is that we should be wary of how God will shake and stir us up. He wants to be close and we need to first focus on His teachings to earn that closeness but then He wants to change and work in us and we need to be braced for that impact!

And that's your lot for today. Took me slightly longer due to a toilet break and mild distraction from (it was a Biblical quiz though...) Previous song is here. Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always,


Day 61 - More Than Words

So I said I'd do 2 tonight and 2 I shall even if they both go up uber late and within minutes of each other! I've been to see Burke and Hare tonight. It was pretty rubbish to be honest. I wasn't sure how they'd make a comedy out of serial killers and it turns out the answer was to do an unfunny and completely different story which happened to be set in Scotland... Honestly, don't bother unless you're in love with one of the cast. Onto business then,

Today’s readings

Leviticus 7:11-8:36
Mark 11:1-25
Psalms 28:1-9

Ok so I've little to offer from the Leviticus reading today. It's all a bit gory really and the only thing I'm getting is how happy I am that I don't have to do anything like that to approach God and how I should probably thank Him more regularly that being a butcher is no longer a necessary part of getting into the right frame of mind to speak with Him. There's also I guess a historical realisation here and an appreciation of the lengths that God had to go to in order to make His people unite and get used to relying on Him. God will ultimately come to us on terms we can comprehend.

Into the New Testament we swiftly go and we have a case of Biblical Grand Theft Auto here... Jesus tells the disciples to go and donkey-jack a colt so He can ride on it but when the disciples are challenged and respond with the words of Jesus, the people who have seen them just let them go. The words of Jesus and the truth of His message has HUGE power and we need to remember that. And we see this followed up with the miracle of the fig tree and Jesus' actions in the Temple. He speaks and things happen. When we pray the Lord's prayer and say in the name of the Father, Son and Holy spirit, I wonder how many of us think about the power that those carry. The Bible we're reading is a human interpretation of God's message yes and it is open to human error at times but it is also the Word of God as we understand it and the power that word has is immense. Time and again we see the power of Jesus' simple truth and wisdom. Who are we to doubt the results that come from it? Trust in the promises that the Bible gives us because it's proven to be more than just a book.

Finally we have a new Psalm and the psalmist is once again complaining about how evil people seem to prosper. I find it interesting that this is still one of the big problems and the Bible does have a solution. Trust in God and work for Him. God can break down injustice through our actions. All of us for all of Him. It's right there written down and we've seen today how powerful God's words are.

And that's your lot for this one. I'm going to immediately start the next so feel free to time how long the average blog takes to make! Yesterday's last song is here. Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always,


Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Day 60 - Respect

So the second of today's blogs, it would have gone up sooner but I've been at a church meeting discussing vision. Interesting stuff indeed. What else has happened since the last blog? It rained a lot... Oh and I'm reading lots of the new Rick Riordan book. I might start up a new blog reviewing books. Any interest?

Today’s readings

Leviticus 5:14-7:10
Mark 10:32-52
Proverbs 6:12-19

So there's more dry stuff but I think there's one thing that's hit me while reading this. It's very easy to read these and dismiss them because of Jesus making the sacrifice for us but remember what we said about Leviticus; it's a book teaching us how to get closer to God. I think what today's reading is trying to tell me is that spending time with God is obviously the most desirable thing we can do but that it shouldn't be taken for granted and deserves a certain amount of reverence. We don't have to follow the rules specifically set out here as they apply to a different people who hadn't received Jesus yet and were getting the chance to do it themselves. But I do think that we need to remember that talking and listening to God isn't always something we should do informally. There's a definite value in taking the time to give God the respect and reverence He deserves by preparing our hearts and minds before praying or reading the Bible. I know I don't do that enough and it's something I'm going to consciously do this week as I try to keep up. It's vital that we feel comfortable praying with God but remember that He isn't someone we can take for granted or come to when we feel like it.

Into the New Testament we catapult and I love that first verse. It just seems to fit tonight's meeting so well. Jesus was followed by His disciples who were puzzled and not just a little afraid. That they were DIRECTLY following Him and feeling that makes me a whole lot happier when we get nervous and unsure as to trying to discern God's vision on a big scale. We also read about James and John asking for special treatment and Jesus' words again remind me of tonight. It's important not to want to be in charge or have influence and power but to serve first and foremost. Jesus at times was the guy who spoke and people listened but His whole life was one big service to humanity and the people immediately around Him also. And I chuffing love the last miracle. It's my favourite and not just because of Day Camp! Here we have what appears to be a standard (ha!) miracle where Bartimaeus' faith cures him. But there're two things I love here. Jesus hears Him and yet Bartimaeus has to shout and shout despite people trying to stop him. I think sometimes we need to remember that God wants us to not just expect Him to answer but that He wants us to grow through shouting and shouting. Because what are the results? Not only is Bartimaeus cured but he immediately follows Jesus. When we pray to God we should be persistent but also we need to remember who we're praying to and rely on His promise of love but respect His ultimate knowledge, wisdom and timing.

Finally Proverbs gives us a little bit of advice as to how we should communicate which I think can also be tied into our prayer life. We can't be crossing our fingers and holding things back from God. We can't be telling Him half the story or lying about what we did or really want. God knows us inside out and we need to be respectful of that. Sometimes it's tempting to pray around others for things that you ought to be praying for but God knows what you need to be praying for and what you want to be praying for. Don't be fooling yourself because you won't be fooling God.

And that's your lot for today. We'll bash out another two tomorrow plus a potential film review too you lucky people! This morning's song is here and I had a lot of choices from Leona to Elton to Blue to... Shane Richie?! But I went for that one. You'll have to click to find out! Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always,


Day 59 - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word

Right. I'm back and on form. We're going to catch up by the end of this week and then I'll be working the week after so I should be able to keep to a regular schedule. Apologies for not keeping up with this folks! One thing I've found from not doing it is that it's been a lot harder to connect with God and I've realised that this has to firstly be for me and my relationship with God. So don't panic if you never comment! Onto business then,

Today's readings

Leviticus 4:1-5:13
Mark 10:13-31
Psalm 27:7-14

We're returning with lots more on sacrifice. I think it's interesting how much the Israelites needed in terms of guidelines and instructions. They'd been doing whatever they wanted and just trusted God would look after them regardless. I think I can be guilty of that and whilst a lot of what we're reading is there to help us realise just how much God wanted His people to be able to get close to Him, I think verse 5 of chapter 5 is very pertinent. Immediately confess the sin you have committed. It's scary and it can be uncomfortable but if we bring our sin to God we're straight away quicker in getting closer to Him again. And the brilliant part is that we don't have to bring pigeons or bulls or goats or flour. We have Jesus and so it's easy for us to confess but we have to do it rather than just assuming we'll be forgiven. If we don't admit we've sinned we'll never want to change our behaviour.

Into the New Testament we reappear and Jesus first is talking about coming to Him like a child. We've talked about this before but I think it's good to think of it in this context too. We need to be willing to tell our Heavenly Father when we've done something wrong so that He can love us regardless and help us through it. Nobody with even an ounce of love in them can stay mad at a genuinely sorry child and we need to be just like that.

Then we get the rich guy asking how he can get to Heaven and again, we've covered this in Matthew. Mark does add one little detail which Matthew left out. When Jesus sees this man who is convinced of his own worthiness for Heaven, He looks at him and He loves him. God's love isn't conditional on our behaviour and Jesus explains this to the disciples afterwards by pointing out how no one can get to Heaven on their own strength but only by following Jesus. But us trying to do it on ourselves will not stop Jesus loving us. So if we're wanting to get close to God and live His way but it's too much struggle then we need to remember that it's not down to our own efforts but down to the humility that we can't do it without asking for help and focusing ourselves daily on God. I think I've found that out in the last few days. Losing your focus on you and God means that while you might think you're doing things for Him, they're not necessarily working to their full potential.

Finally our Psalm continues and it's the last verse that really sums up what I'm feeling today from this reading. Stay with God. Take heart. Don't quit. Because He is faithful and reliable and loving. Hallelujiah!

And that's your lot for this one but I'll put another up this evening. Previous song is here. Questions, criticisms and comments welcome as always,
